Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition in which the acids present in the stomach rise up to the esophagus and cause an irritating feeling, which might sometimes lead to vomiting and headache. Acid reflux is diagnosed through the symptoms it manifests.

Some of the common symptoms of acid reflux are:


Heartburn is one of the common symptoms of acid reflux, and often occurs if acid reflux is left untreated. Untreated acid reflux might lead to Barrett’s esophagus, which increases the risk of having esophageal adenocarcinoma, or cancer of the esophagus. Thus, in order to avoid this complication, acid reflux must be treated immediately after detection.

Chest pain

Another symptom of acid reflux is chest pain, which is caused by the acid in the stomach splashing into the esophagus. The pain will last for a long period. This chest pain is mistaken as a heart attack by many people who are suffering from acid reflux. The only way to get rid of it is by doing regular exercises like yoga.

Pain worsening at rest

Whenever you lie down to take a rest, the acid, which is present in the stomach, will start to move upwards towards the esophagus causing heartburn, and acid reflux. In order to avoid this, while lying down, adjust yourself with the level of the head a little higher than the level of the stomach.

Post-meal pain

Pains will occur after eating a heavy meal. This is because the stomach would have been overloaded and the contents of the stomach will again start to move upwards to the esophagus. To avoid this, stop eating meals if you feel that your stomach is already full.

Bitter taste in the mouth

Sometimes, the acid, which is escaping from the stomach, will return to the throat, which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. This is also another symptom which is caused by acid reflux. It is better to consult a doctor if this happens at night and if it becomes more frequent.


If the contents in the stomach start moving to the esophagus, it will cause an irritating feeling in the vocal chords, leading to hoarseness of the voice, which is another symptom of acid reflux.

Sore throat

Sore throat is a classic symptom of acid reflux which is caused by improper digestion. If your sore throat seems to occur only after meals, then it is likely you may have heartburn. Unlike sore throat caused by viruses, however, sore throat from digestive problems may become chronic.


Coughing can also be another symptom of acid reflux. This is caused by the contents in the stomach, particularly the acid, moving to the lungs, causing cough.


If the coughing and wheezing problems worsen, then these might lead to asthma. There is another theory that acid from the stomach can cause chest nerves to constrict to keep acid from entering the lungs, thereby inducing asthma.

Extra saliva

If the mouth suddenly starts to produce more saliva than usual, then it is possible you may be having acid reflux.
These are the common symptoms of acid reflux. Anyone observing these types of symptoms should immediately consult a doctor in order to get rid of the problem of acid reflux. More often than not, most people who are experiencing the symptoms of acid reflux simply ignore what they are experiencing but this kind of behavior should be changed or eradicated because ignoring the symptoms of acid reflux could lead to more complex health problems.

Follow the story of Jeff, who cured his severe acid reflux condition after 11 years of suffering