Is Manuka Honey Effective To Treat Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is caused whenever the ring of muscle, known as the lower esophageal sphincter, does not close properly. Because of this, the contents of the stomach start to flow back to the esophagus through this defective ring. Some common signs of acid reflux are heartburn, pain in the chest, sore throat, and hoarseness. There is nothing to worry about acid reflux in its early stages, as it can be cured using manuka honey.

Manuka honey is the honey manufactured by bees which collect nectar form the manuka flower. This grows on the manuka tree which grows in Australia and New Zealand. Manuka honey is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties and is an important substance in traditional medicine for the treatment of wounds. It has been found effective for burns, and also helps in solving problems of digestion and other infections. It is also said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

How is manuka honey helpful for acid reflux?

The first benefit of manuka honey for the treatment of acid reflux is it helps in strengthening the esophageal ring. In addition, the main cause of acid reflux is a type of bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori. Manuka honey helps in killing these bacteria which is also responsible for causing ulcer in people who are suffering from acid reflux. According to research it is been proven that manuka honey is more effective in killing the Helicobacter bacteria than any other type of honey.
Apart from this, manuka honey has an anti-inflammatory action which helps in treating the inflammation in the stomach caused by acid reflux. Another advantage of using manuka honey is that it does not have any side effects.
The active component in manuka honey is methylgloxal, or MG. The higher the MG content in manuka honey, the greater its antibacterial power. Producers of this amazing product use a unit of measure to determine the potency of manuka honey. This is known as the UMF, or Unique Manuka Factor. For it to be therapeutic, the manuka honey you are taking should have a UMF of at least 10.

How is it used?

Simply take one teaspoon of manuka honey and apply it on a small piece of bread. Consume this before having your meals or before going to bed. It should not be used by itself; instead, it should be applied on something like bread in order to transport it to the esophagus. When it reaches the esophageal area, it then coats the lower esophagus in order to protect it from damage caused by the acids. If you are experiencing a severe heartburn after a heavy meal, it is good to have a dose of manuka honey in order to reduce the effect of heartburn.


  • It does not have any side effects
  • After consumption, there won’t be any feeling of irritation in the stomach
  • It heals and protects the esophagus
  • It can also be used long-term
  • Its beneficial effects are supported by extensive research
  • Cures the problem of heartburn and burning sensation immediately
  • It can reduce cholesterol levels
  • It can repair tissues that are damaged by infection.