Countless questions arise in our mind when we suffer from heartburn or acid reflux. I have compiled a list of 100 commonly asked heartburn questions along with their answers so that it will help you find answers for your questions. In case you still have an unanswered question, Ask it to us. We’ll answer you and add it here for others.
1. Are foods the only cause of heart burn?
Heart burn is actually a problem of upper digestive system and foods are not the cause for this heart burn problem. But some kind of foods can be a trigger for this heart burn for some kind of people. Foods which trigger the heart burn problem in some people are tomatoes, fruits of the type citrus, garlic, onion, spicy foods, pepper mint, cheese, nuts, avocadoes, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and beverages which are carbonated. These types of food triggers to heart burn should be avoided in order to stay safe from the problem of heart burn.
2. Are GORD and GERD the same thing?
Yes both are same where only the spelling differs. Americans use the spelling for esophagus as gastro esophageal reflux disease – GERD whereas Europeans use the spelling as gastro oesophageal reflux disease – GORD. Other than the spelling there are no differences in both of them. Both GERD and GORD refer to the same medical problem which leads to heart burn. There is nothing to get confused in this as many people do.
3. Are heart burn at day and heart burn at night different conditions?
Both the heart burn which occurs at day and heart burn which occurs at night are the same one but the heart burn which is felt at night will be more effective than the one which is felt at day time. This is because heart burn will be felt more when we are lying in a horizontal position rather than sitting. So, in order to avoid the heart burn feel at night time then it is better to keep the level of the head a little higher than the level of the stomach.
4. Are heart burn at day and heart burn at night different conditions?
Both the heart burn which occurs at day and heart burn which occurs at night are the same one but the heart burn which is felt at night will be more effective than the one which is felt at day time. This is because heart burn will be felt more when we are lying in a horizontal position rather than sitting. So, in order to avoid the heart burn feel at night time then it is better to keep the level of the head a little higher than the level of the stomach.
5. Are there certain foods that cause heart burn?
Of course yes, there are some kinds of foods which are responsible in causing the heart burn to occur. And these types of foods are known as heart burn triggers. Foods which causes heart burn to occur are
- Citrus type fruits
- Spicy foods
- Beverages like alcohol
- Caffeine
- Chocolate
- Carbonated beverages
- Vinegar
- Garlic
- Black pepper
- Onions
- Pepper mints
- Fatty foods
- Tomatoes or tomato based product
In order to stay away from heart burn then these types of foods should be avoided and should be eliminated completely.
6. Are there long term complications for GERD?
Yes there are some long term complications which are associated with GERD. The long term complications are caused because the esophagus will not be able to hold the acids and if there is continuous exposure of the acids to the esophagus then these long term complications are caused. This long term complications will damage the lining of the esophagus. Some of the long term complications of GERD are barrette’s esophagus, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, erosive esophagitis and esophageal strictures.
7. Are there steps I can take to fight frequent heart burn?
Yes there are many steps which can be taken in order to be safe and also to reduce the problem of heart burn.
Reduce stress:
Stress is the one which makes you feel more over heat at the time of having heart burn. So it is better to practice on reducing the stress when having time.
Exercise regularly:
Exercising daily at early morning will help in reducing the stress and also helps in managing it. It also keeps you healthier and helps you to sleep better. It also helps in keeping you away from heart burn.
Stop smoking:
Smoking is also another problem in making the acid to flow back to the esophagus resulting in heart burn. So quit smoking.
8. at time why antacids do not work?
Antacids are the pills which are used to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux and not for the cause of it. Antacids can be used for only immediate relief and they cannot be used for stopping the heart burn from recurring. They will not help in healing the injured esophagus and so it is very much important to seek a medical consultation in order to get the right medicines as the health expert will suggest the medicines according to the condition of your body and which suits best for you.
9. Can children’s get heart burn?
Yes children’s and also infants will suffer to heart burn. Children’s will experience a burning sensation in their chest due to a spicy meal which is consumed. About 2 % of the children’s of the age 3 to 9 years and about 5 % of the children’s at the age 10 to 17 suffer to this problem of heart burn. It is because of the problem of GERD in which the acid in the stomach will back up to the esophagus and will reach the lower esophageal sphincter. If this keeps on continuing then consult a doctor to get rid of the problem.
10. Can GERD be cured?
There is no complete cure for the problem of GERD which leads to heart burn but instead the problem can be managed somewhat by making changes in the diet as well as in the life style. It can also be managed by taking some medications like H2 blockers, antacids and proton pump inhibitors. The changes in diet should be done in such a way that the food items should be in the list which can be consumed to avoid heart burn and some life style changes like doing exercise early morning, practicing on reducing the stress and lot more can be done in order to manage the problem of GERD.
11. Can GERD cause asthma?
There are many researches which show that there is a relationship between the GERD and the asthma. The exact relationship between those two are uncertain. Sometimes GERD might worsen asthma and sometimes asthma might worsen GERD. So it is better to treat GERD which also helps in relieving the problem of asthma. People having asthma should not do exercises after having a meal which will worsen the problem of GERD. Also people with asthma should not lie down immediately after having a meal because that also worsens the GERD.
12. Can GERD cause inflammation in the throat?
Yes GERD can cause inflammation in the throat and this condition is possible whenever the food from the stomach travels back to the esophagus and to the mouth. At this time there will be a sour taste or a bitter taste experienced in the mouth and also inflammation will be caused. This condition will lead to another condition which is known as pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is the condition where the throat and sometime the vocal cords also will experience an inflammation. This can also result in hoarseness too.
13. Can I just ignore my frequent heart burn, since it’s not a serious illness?
Normal heart burn can be left as such which is not even need to be treated. But in case of frequent heart burn it should be definitely treated with some means like medicines or any other method in order to get rid of it. If left untreated then the frequent heart burn might lead to some other serious problems like leading to ulcers as well as asthma and also sometime leading to esophageal cancer. So it is better to have a health expert to monitor your problem of heart burn every time you visit the hospital.
14. Could taking antacids have any harmful effects on my body?
There won’t be any harmful effects seen when you take the antacids according to the instructions as mentioned in it or according to the instruction suggested by the health expert or doctor. Not more than 16 tablets can be taken for 24 hours in case of adults. The presence of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate in the antacids will not cause any harmful effects. But if the tablets are taken more than the one which is instructed then there might be some side effects seen. In such cases immediately consult a doctor.
15. Do I have any control over my frequent heart burn?
Yes of course you can control the frequent heart burn which is occurring to you by modifying some of the life style and diet methods which you are following. Also you can make use of the medicines which are available for relieving the problem of frequent heart burn. But before making use of the medicines it is better to consult a health expert and ask whether you can consume medicines or not. The doctor might suggest you the right medicines which can be taken for the problem of frequent heart burn.
16. Do I have to give up everything I love to control my heart burn?
If your loved things are in the list to be avoided then you have to sacrifice those things in order to control the heart burn problem. It should be done with the help of a health expert and should be avoided only if they suggest as like that. Avoiding those things will make you be healthy and also help in doing things which are to be done regularly. Avoiding those things from the plan will also keeps you away from heart burn. A simple life style changes with the heart burn medications help in staying away from heart burn
17. Do only old people get GERD?
It is not that only old people get and suffer to GERD. Even children’s, adults and also infants are common to this problem of GERD. Only thing is that old people are more common to GERD when compared to others. GERD is also common to both male and female and is also common to the group of ethnic and social economic classes. In this way it shows that GERD is the problem which not only comes to old people but also to other people too.
18. Does spicy food cause heart burn?
There are many substances which directly irritates the lining of the esophagus leading to the problem of heart burn in which spicy foods are also included. Consuming spicy foods will produce more acid formation in the stomach and also decreases the lower esophageal sphincter pressure. These all will lead to heart burn. So eating spicy foods should be completely eliminated in order to be free from heart burn.
19. How can TUMS be both antacids and a calcium supplement?
Tums are the pills which have calcium carbonate in it and this calcium carbonate helps in relieving the symptoms which are related to acid reflux. Also it is not an expensive pill and the most effective pill in order to get the amount of calcium that is needed and also helps in curing the problem of heart burn. Also FDA has approved this Tums as both antacids as well as a calcium supplement which is a safe source for calcium.
20. How do I prevent heart burn from recurring?
To prevent the problem of heart burn then the first thing which should be done by you is to find the foods which are to be avoided and those food items should be avoided and should be eliminated completely. The second thing is to avoid over eating that is once you feel that your stomach is full then stop eating by then. The third is to find whether you are having any imbalance in your system and if so then you have to do things which will make the system balanced. This balancing method can be done by consulting a health expert.
21. How does nexium work?
Nexium is a tablet which is generally taken for curing the problem of acid reflux which leads to heart burn. Whenever the ring muscle relaxes the food in the stomach starts to produce the acid which in turn will be flowing back to the esophagus and the continuous process of this leads to the damage of the esophagus which is called as erosive esophagitis. When nexium tablets are taken then it will start working by reducing the corrosive acid which is produced and helps in healing the damage that is caused. But the consumption of nexium should be done only after consulting the doctor.
22. How does prevacid 24 HR work?
Prevacid 24 HR works by stopping the acid which are released from the stomach and this is a type of proton pump inhibitors medicine and is very necessary for the treatment of frequent heart burn. It works for 24 hours if one pill is taken for a day and complete relief from the heart burn will be noted. This pill should be taken every day up to 14 days for the full course of treatment. And the complete effect will be seen within 1 to 4 days.
23. How does stress contribute to heart burn?
The symptoms of gastro intestinal are related to stress, anxiety and fear. The occurrence of the heart burn can be because of the stress which is experienced in day to day life. Many researches has proved the relation between the stress and the heart burn and about 50 % of the people are found to be suffering to heart burn because of the stress experienced. Stress can also lead to acid reflux which in turn causes the heart burn. A stressful event like tension worries and lot more leads to the chronic heart burn symptoms and increases the pain that is related.
24. How is acid reflux disease treated?
Acid reflux disease can be treated in many ways but the most effective and the common method used for treating is by medication. Medicines like H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors and antacids can be given for treating acid reflux disease and when compared to these three medicines proton pump inhibitors are the effect medicines which are often prescribed by the doctors also. These medicines can also be bought at the market without any prescription too but should be taken according to the instructions which are mentioned in it.
25. How is endoscopy done for heart burn?
Endoscopy is usually done in order to diagnose the problem of heart burn. In this method a thin scope will be placed with a camera and a light in order to look inside the esophagus, stomach and the starting of the small intestine. Sometimes in this endoscopy a sample might be taken in order to confirm by testing it which is known as biopsy. This procedure will be done in a hospital and in emergency room in some emergency cases. This endoscopy will also help to evaluate other problems like abdominal pain, swallowing disorders, nausea, vomiting, and stomach bleeding.
26. How might nexium interact with other medicines I’m taking?
Nexium will affect the other medicines which you might take it for another health issue. Also other medicines will affect the tablet of nexium. So, it is better to remind your doctor that you are using other medicines like Coumadin, pletal, HIV medications, vitamin medicines and herbal medicines if the doctor prescribes nexium for you. In such cases the doctor might think another possible way and suggest some other pill for the problem of heart burn.
27. How should I alter my diet?
There are no exact diet follow ups for the people suffering to heart burn. The only thing which should be done is to avoid eating the foods which trigger the heart burn. Foods like chocolate, citrus type fruits, tomatoes, onions, garlic, coffee, alcohol, fatty foods and also fried ones should be eliminated from the diet list. Also it is well and good to eat smaller meals frequently instead of eating larger meals with long gap. Also don’t over eat that is if you come up with the feeling that your stomach got full then stop eating. These are some ways which can be followed to stay away from heart burn.
28. How should I store nexium?
Nexium is the pill which should be always kept out of reach from the children’s and the bottle cap should be replaced each and every time after using it. It should not be transferred to any other container rather should be kept in the original package itself. It should be protected from moisture and also from sunlight. It should be stored at the room temperature that is between the 59 degree Fahrenheit and 86 degree Fahrenheit or between 15 degree Celsius and 30 degree Celsius. Other than this it should not be stored in any other way.
29. How should I take nexium?
Mostly all the doctors who are prescribing the medicine will say about the way how it should be taken. In case, if your doctor has not said anything about it then follow the below instructions.
- The pill should be taken 1 hour before eating meals
- It should be taken at the same time everyday
- The pill should be swallowed as a whole thing rather it should not be crushed or chewed
- If the nexium is taken in delayed release oral suspension then first the contents should be transferred to a container and 1 table spoon of water should be mixed with it. Nicely stir it and leave it as such for 3 minutes and after than drink it within 30 minutes.
30. How to cope up with heart burn?
Heart burn is a problem which can be coping up by doing some simple steps
- Eat smaller meals frequently instead of eating larger meals after a long gap
- Offending foods should be avoided that is foods which is trigger the heart burn should be completely eliminated
- Do not lie down immediately after eating. Stay upright for at least half an hour after eating your dinner.
- Do not drink in between having meals
- While lying down set your level of the head little higher than the level of the stomach.
31. If I suffer from heart burn, when should I see a doctor?
If the heart burn is experienced for more than once a week even though after using any medicines in order to treat the problem of heart burn, then it is very much necessary to consult a doctor. The doctor will undergo with an endoscopy in order to know whether everything is alright or whether you are affected to barrettes esophagus or any other serious problems like ulcers as a result of heart burn as heart burn can lead to these problems.
32. Is acid reflux disease serious?
Acid reflux disease is not serious but it might become serious if left untreated. Because untreated acid reflux disease will cause erosive esophagitis. Erosive esophagitis is the condition in which the lining of the esophagus will be damaged. It has been proved that 1 in 3 acid reflux suffers are also suffering to the problem of erosive esophagitis because of not treating it at the right time. Not only erosive esophagitis will happen but also some other serious health problems might occur. The only way to get rid of this problem is to carry over right treatment which is by taking nexium pills. Nexium pills can be taken only when the health experts prescribe it.
33. Is an antacid suitable to take during pregnancy?
Antacids can be taken during pregnancies as there is no harm in it. But prolonged usage and high dosages should be avoided at the time of being pregnant. All products of antacids like rennie peppermint, spearmint and rennie can be used by the pregnant women for the problem of heart burn as those antacids contain the presence of calcium and magnesium. But before the usage it is very much recommended to consult a doctor in order to know whether the antacids can be used or not.
34. Is heartburn common?
Yes, heartburn is very much common and for at least a month half of the Americans will experience this heartburn. There are also people who will get chronic heartburn which occurs for more than two times a week. These people will also have a serious problem known as gastro esophageal reflux disease and the most common symptom of GERD is the heartburn. Apart from this there are also pregnant women’s to suffer from heartburn. 50 % of the pregnant women’s suffer to heartburn particularly during the last trimester. But there is nothing to worry about this heartburn as it will get alright.
35. Is nexium easy to take?
Yes it is very easy to take the tablet of nexium which is usually taken for the problem of acid reflux. This tablet of nexium should be taken before 1 hour of having any meals and also should be taken at the same time each and every day. Also the tablet should be taken only if it is prescribed by the doctor. And if the doctor has prescribed means then the tablet of nexium can be taken according to the suggestions which are made by them.
36. Why doesn’t prevacid 24 HR work immediately?
When compared to all other proton pump inhibitors prevacid 24 HR is the pill which does not work immediately. This is because it does not work with the acid which is present already but rather it works with the acids which are at the source. This is the reason why it does not work immediately but a complete relief will be noted starting from 24 hours to 1 or 4 days. People will be satisfied by taking this prevacid 24 HR pills as there will be complete relief within some time.
37. Should I be concern about taking a PPI like omeprazole and lansoprazole?
Yes you should be very concern when you are taking these two of pills and the first thing which you should do is to read the label and should follow the instructions which are specified in that label. If you are allergic to the ingredients of the pills then you should not use them. Also before using the pill it is better to consult a doctor regarding this to know whether you can take it or not. If you come up with side effects like diarrhea, sweating and dizziness then also immediately consult a doctor. In this ways you should be very concern about the pills of PPI.
38. Sometimes I get a sour and a bitter taste in my mouth when I bend over, what is that?
Getting a sour taste or a bitter taste in your throat or in your mouth is another symptom of the acid reflux. This is because the acid formation in the stomach will back up to the esophagus and when you bend this acid will flow back from the esophagus to your throat and sometimes to the mouth too. At this time you will feel a sour taste or a bitter taste due to the foods which are flowing back to the throat.
39. What about smoking and GERD?
The habit of smoking will create more problems for the health and also will spoil the stomach. Many researchers have proved that smoking will weaken the strength of the lower esophageal sphincter. This weakens by a sudden abdominal pressure. Also smoking will reduce the amount of saliva which will be used to clear the acids which are produced and as a result smokers are the one who are more prone to the problem of GERD. Smoking also produces a toxic material in the stomach causing many more problems related to the stomach.
40. What are H2 blockers?
H2 blockers are also known as H2 receptor antagonists. They are the medicines which are used to reduce the amount of acid that is produced in the stomach. They work by blocking the producer of acid which is known as histamine 2 and hence it is known as H2 blockers. Histamine 2 is a type of chemical in the body which sends signals to the stomach to produce the acid. By consuming H2 blockers medicine then these histamine 2 chemical will be blocked up and will not be able to produce the acid. In this way, H2 blockers help in treating the problem of heart burn.
41. What are my options if these treatments don’t work?
If the symptoms of the heart burn keep on persisting even after carrying over the treatments which are recommended by the health expert then again consult them regarding your problem and state everything which you are experiencing. Then according to that the health expert will again ask you to take proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, rabeprazole and pantoprazole. These are the proton pump inhibitor tablets which help in inhibiting the production of acid more effectively when compared to other medicines. These medicines should be taken only if it is prescribed by the health experts.
42. What are some common treatments for heart burn?
Antacids help in neutralizing the acid which is present in the stomach. The consumption of these antacids should be taken after eating the meals or whenever the heart burn occurs for you. They give immediate but only temporary relief.
H2 blockers:
This help in relieving the problem of heart burn by reducing the production of acid in the stomach. It will start working within an hour and will last for the next 12 hours.
Proton pump inhibitors:
Heart burn is caused by eating many pumps and when excess acid is produced it will back up to the esophagus. In order to block all these pumps proton pump inhibitor is used. It helps in blocking the heart burn for the next 24 hours and is very effective.
43. What are some of the reasons GERD should be treated?
If GERD is not treated well or not treated at all then it will result in the following problems
- Pain
- Pneumonia
- Heart burn
- Loss of sleep
- Coughing
- Asthma
- Vocal cord problems
- Cancer
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Barrette’s
- Scarring of the esophagus.
These problems will be caused. So, in order to stay safe and free from these problems it is better to treat GERD if you experience it. Treatment should not be delayed
44. What are the dosing instructions for prevacid 24 HR?
Prevacid 24 HR pill should be taken according to the instruction which were said by the health expert. It is a 15 mg delayed release capsule. It should be taken every day in the morning before eating your breakfast and should be taken for 14 days as it a 14 day course for treatment of heart burn. This pill will be very effective for the next 24 hours and hence it is known as prevacid 24 HR. this should be repeated for every four months for the better treatment and better relief will be noted if it is followed as per the instructions.
45. What are the food triggers for acid reflux?
Acid reflux is diseases which are often caused because of the foods which should not be consumed. The foods which are the triggers for acid reflux are fatty foods, fried foods, tomatoes and tomato based products, chocolate, fruits of citrus type, alcohol, coffee and carbonated beverages. These are some of the food triggers for acid reflux. If you want to stay safe from acid reflux problem then avoid eating these types of foods so that you can stay safe and be free from the problem of acid reflux which leads to heart burn too.
46. What are the foods which are better to eat on acid reflux diet?
The foods which are better to be consumed on acid reflux diet are
- White meat
- Lighter desserts
- Lean cuts of meat
- Salad dressings of either low fat or no fat
- Sandwiches which has turkey, roast beef, chicken and whole grain bread
- Baked potatoes with low fat salad dressings
- Grilled foods
- Steamed vegetables
- Broth based soups
These types of foods can be consumed if you are in a diet when suffering to acid reflux problem.
47. What are the important and safety information about nexium?
- Nexium might increase the chances of getting diarrhea. In case if you come up with watery stool, stomach pain and fever consult your doctor.
- The relief from the symptoms will not recover other issues of the stomach
- It might lead to bone fractures, and will lower the level of the magnesium
- If you are about to take nexium then inform your doctor that you are taking other medicines for other health issues in case if you take anything like that.
- Nexium might come up with side effects like head ache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
48. What are the possible side effects of nexium?
The less common side effects which are associated with the tablet of nexium are
- Bone fractures in case of taking more numbers of pills for a longer period of time
- If it is taken for a longer period of time then it lowers the level of the magnesium
For adults of the age 18 and above the side effects are head ache, abdominal pain and diarrhea and for children’s at the age between 1 and 17 the possible side effects are head ache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sleepiness and nausea. So it is better to consult a doctor before the usage of the pill.
49. What are the precautions which can be taken?
- Do not take more tablets in one day
- Stay away from side effects
- If you come up with any unusual effects then consult a doctor
- Do not exceed the stated dosage
- If the symptoms of heart burn persist then consult a doctor
- If you accidentally take too many tablets then immediately consult a doctor
- Do not take tablets if the expiry date has got over
- Keep the tablet out of reach from the children
- Keep on checking the expiry date of the tablet.
50. What are the symptoms associated with heart burn?
The common symptoms which are associated with heart burn are
- A burning sensation in the chest
- Wheezing
- Asthma like symptoms
- A burning feeling in the throat
- Persistent cough
- Bitter or sour taste in the mouth
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Vomiting
If you people come with these symptoms them immediately consult a health expert in order to confirm with the problem of heart burn and also to undergo with the right treatment in order to stay safe from heart burn.
51. What are the symptoms of acid reflux disease?
The common symptoms of acid reflux disease are hoarseness, burning sensation in the chest, heart burn, and difficulty in swallowing the food items, sour or bitter taste in throat, upset stomach, persistent and prolonged cough, wheezing, asthma, and vomiting. Immediate consultation of the doctor should be done if these symptoms are experienced in order to stay safe from acid reflux disease and right treatment should be carried over because if acid reflux is left untreated then it might lead to any other serious health problems.
52. What are the types of fundoplication surgery?
There are generally two types of fundoplication surgery done are Nissen and Toupet. Nissen surgery is done by wrapping the fundus around the esophagus with a lose wrap whereas Toupet is done only a part of the esophagus producing more loser wrap around the esophagus. The type of the surgery will be decided based on the severity of the acid reflux which leads to the heart burn. When compared to toupet, nissen surgery is the most effective and also the common surgery done for the people who are suffering from acid reflux.
53. What are the ways to prevent heart burn at night time?
- Do not larger meals for dinner instead eat the meal at lunch itself
- It is better to sleep on your left side because this position helps in digesting the food and also helps in removing the acid formation in the stomach
- Eat at least two hours before going to sleep and avoid eating snacks at night time
- Do not wear clothes that are tight fitting while sleeping
- Avoid foods at night time which are the triggers of the heart burn
- Make the level of head little higher than the level of the stomach
54. What causes heart burn?
Heart burn is generally caused when the contents in the stomach that is the food in the stomach reverse back to the esophagus and reaches the lower esophageal sphincter. This is generally happening whenever the esophagus is not functioning properly. That is when the esophagus functions properly then it will open like a door in order to make the food flow to the stomach and later will close. At the time of not functioning well the closing method will not be done properly resulting in the food to flow backward which in turn results to heart burn.
55. What does heart burn feel like?
Heart burn is one of the common symptoms of acid reflux and whenever this heart burn occurs to the person then the person will feel like having a burning sensation near the upper abdominal which is the breast bone. This heart burn feeling will sometimes move on to the neck as well as the throat. It will also lead to the feeling of the food which is consumed flowing back to the mouth which leaves a bitter or a sour taste in the mouth as well as in the throat.
56. What does heart burn have to do with heat?
Many people suffer from a burning sensation in their chest which is known as heart burn. This heart burn is always accompanied with intense heat in the upper abdomen that in near the chest bone. This discomfort feeling of burning sensation is not caused by temperature but is because of the acid coming back to the esophagus due to the ring muscle not working out properly and as a result irritation feeling will be felt near the chest.
57. What does Nexium do?
Nexium helps in relieving the problem of heart burn and other symptoms which are related to acid reflux. It also helps in healing the damage which has occurred to the esophagus which is caused because of the acid reflux. But this damage can be determined only by a doctor and this damage is known as erosive esophagitis. 1 pill will give relieve from the heart burn for the next 24 hours. It also heals the damage within 4 to 8 weeks but this might vary from one people to another based on the damage that has happened in the esophagus.
58. What happens if I stop treatment?
Heart burn can be treated with many methods but the relapse of the problem is very much common after stopping the treatment from continuing. When the treatments are stopped in between then it might lead to some other serious complications like bleeding in the esophagus resulting in difficulty in swallowing. If left untreated the heart burn becomes more chronic and will also lead to the most dangerous problem of cancer which will be caused in the esophagus. So, it is well and good not to stop treatment in the middle.
59. What increases the risk of having the heart burn?
The risk factor which is associated with the heart burn problem is getting any other disease. Sometimes the condition of any other disease can make the heart burn to become more frequent than before. Apart from this heart burn can also lead to many other risk factors like becoming obese, loss or gain of weight, have a hiatal hernia, lead to ulcer, leads to gastro esophageal reflux disease. To avoid all these risk factors it is better to avoid the triggers of heart burn which keeps you safe from heart burn.
60. What is a proton pump inhibitor?
Heart burn is caused as a result of formation of the acid in the stomach where the acid will travel from the stomach to the esophagus if the ring muscle does not work properly. Proton pump inhibitors are the medicines which can be taken for the problem of heart burn and by taking this tablet the production of acid in the stomach will be reduced. This is done by inhibiting a specific system in the stomach known as proton pump and since it inhibits this proton pump it is known as proton pump inhibitors.
61. What is acid reflux disease?
Acid reflux is nothing but the disease in which the food contents in the stomach will back up to the esophagus. Later after that it will start to irritate the lining of the esophagus causing heart burn. This heart burn will be experienced near the chest bone. If you come up with this heart burn for more than 2 weeks then try changing your diet and it should be treated at the right time. Untreated acid reflux will lead to erosive esophagitis which is it causes damage to the lining of the esophagus. Acid reflux is also known as GERD – gastro esophageal reflux disease.
62. What is break through heart burn?
Break through heartburn is nothing but the occurrence of the heartburn even though if you are taking medicines for treating the problem of heart burn. It is called as break through because it occurs by breaking the effect of the medicines that are taken in order to treat the problem of heart burn. This is a condition which often happens at the night time. If you are facing this type of break through heart burn problem then consult your doctor in order to get another treatment to control the break through heart burn
63. What is esophagitis?
When there is a repetitive back up of the food to the esophagus then the stomach lining will get damaged. And this damage and injury might lead to an inflammation which is known as esophagitis. At this condition the acid will wear away the esophagus leading to bleeding and if there is any heavy bleeding seen then the digestive track will also get damaged. Esophagitis is a condition which can also cause ulcers, open sores on the lining of the esophagus. So it is well and good to undergo the right treatment soon in order to stay safe from the problems that are caused by esophagitis.
64. What is GERD?
GERD is also known as gastro esophageal reflux disease. This GERD results in a persistent heart burn due to the improper functioning of the ring muscle. The ring muscle is the one which keeps the food and the acid inside the stomach. If this ring muscle does not work properly then the acids which are present in the stomach will pass back to the esophagus. Some other signs of GERD are difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, hoarseness, lump feeling in the throat and above all this the common sign is the heart burn. It is better to get the right treatment in order to get rid of the problem.
65. What is heart burn?
Heart burn is a condition which occurs when the acid in the stomach reverse back to the esophagus. This heart burn will come with a burning sensation near the upper abdomen that is in the place of breast bone. It makes you to feel that the chest in on fire. The food in the upper abdomen will travel to the throat causing a sour taste on the throat and some time the food will re enter to the mouth from the stomach. Many people think that it will cause some problem to the heart because of it name but it is not like that. There will be nothing happening to the heart because of the heart burn.
66. What is reflux esophagitis?
Reflux esophagits is nothing but the inflammation in the esophagus which is caused by the stomach acid which splashes to the esophagus. Severe heart burn is one of the symptoms which are related to this reflux esophagitis and according to research about 30 % of the people suffer to this reflux esophagitis along with heart burn and the symptoms of this reflux esophagitis along with heart burn are indigestion, upper abdominal pain, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and cough. If you come up with this problem of reflux esophagitis then immediately consult a doctor.
67. What is the difference between acid reflux and heart burn?
Acid reflux is a condition in which the food contents in the stomach will back up to the esophagus when the ring muscle does not work properly. But heart burn is nothing but the result of this acid reflux. That is acid reflux will lead to heart burn. But it does not mean that if you have heart burn then you are suffering from acid reflux. Some other signs of acid reflux apart from heart burn are weight loss, coughing, wheezing, and feeling of lump in throat. If you feel that you have this type of acid reflux condition then you can consult a health expert regarding your problem.
68. What is the difference between the prevacid 24 HR and prilosec OTC?
Both the pills come under the proton pump inhibitors but the only difference is they both contain different ingredients in order to act against the heart burn. Prevacid 24 HR can be used for heart burn which are occurign frequently and has active ingredient called lansoprazoe while prilosec OTC can be used for normal heart burn and has active ingredient called omeprazole magnesium. Both the medicines are effective in acting against the heart burn.
69. What is the home made remedies for treating heart burn?
Heart burn is a problem which can also be treated by using some type of herbs and house hold items. Those items which can be used to treat heart burn are
Ginger is the most effective vegetable which can be used to treat heart burn. Ginger of nay form can be taken as all the type of ginger works well for heart burn. It is better to drink the ginger oil with 8 oz of cold water before 20 minutes of having meal.
Cabbage juice:
Cabbage juice is another effective method for treating heart burn. Consumption of this cabbage juice will relieve the problems of ulcers.
Apart from the above two also bicarbonate of soda and calendula can be consumed for treating heart burn.
70. What is the importance in keeping a heart burn record?
People experiencing the problem for heart burn should always make a note of the triggers that is the reason why they are getting it often. For example for some time they can get it because of stress and another time they can get it because of the foods that are consumed. Everything should be noted down and should be reported to the health expert so that the health expert will find very easy to give the treatment based on the report that you have given. Making a report will also give you relief as you avoid them next time in order to stay away from heart burn.
71. What is the maximum number of tablets I can take in one day?
The maximum number of tablets which can be taken for one day for the problem of heart burn is 11. It should be only for oral use and the tablets should be used only by the adults who are at the age above 12 years. The dosage is the tablets can be chewed or sucked up for one day which can be maximum up to 11 tablets. If the number of tablets exceed 11 then there might be some side effects occurring. If you come up with any of the side effects then consult a doctor immediately.
72. What is the recommended adult dose for nexium?
The recommended dosage will generally be suggested by the doctor itself. A person that is adults who suffer from acid reflux alone will be prescribed for nexium with a dosage of 20 milligrams to be taken daily. People with the problem of both acid reflux and erosive esophagitis will be prescribed to nexium with 20 mg to 40 mg to be taken daily. Excessive dosage should not be taken which will lead to some other side effects and only recommended dosage should be taken.
73. What is the seriousness of a heart burn?
If heart burn occurs for a person for the first time in their life then it can be mistook to heart attack because of the pain caused by it. So people of this kind should not take the problem of the heart burn as a light one and should seek a doctor immediately to know whether the problem is heart burn or not. If it is confirmed as heart burn then necessary treatment should be carried over or else it might lead to some other serious problems to the esophagus leading to the damage of the esophagus which is known as erosive esophagitis.
74. What is the treatment for heart burn?
The health expert or the doctor will recommend for a little life style modifications and change in diet if the heart burn is in the starting stage for curing it. If the heart burn is somewhat serious then the health expert will go for medicines of antacids like Maalox, Tums, Mylanta and Rolaids. If the heart burn is very serious and chronic then health experts will recommend for some acid blockers and some time even surgery will be done in some extreme cases. Any one treatment will definitely give relief from heart burn.
75. What kinds of complications are caused by frequent heart burn?
- More amount of acid formation in the stomach will lead to problems like ulcers and also damage to the lining of the esophagus will occur.
- The esophagus might bleed sometime and will tear off completely because of the damage happened in it. In this case the person suffering will vomit with blood. But this is a rare case.
- Asthma can be caused by the regurgitated formation of the acid and will also lead to other problems like persistent cough, sore throat, and hoarseness. In this case the person suffering will feel a lump in the throat.
- Also the person will find difficulties in swallowing when the exposure of acid continues.
76. What life style changes can I make to lessen the symptoms of GERD?
Changes in life style help in reducing the effect of GERD. So it is very necessary for the people to change the life style if they are suffering to the problem of GERD. Some life styles which can be changed are
- Avoid fatty foods
- Avoid spicy foods
- Do regular exercise early morning before having any food items
- Don’t eat late night
- Eat at least one or two hours before going to bed
- Eat smaller meals frequently instead of larger meals
- Eat regularly
77. What should I do if I miss a dose of nexium?
If you miss a dose of nexium or forget to take it at the right time, and come to your mind within some time then immediately take the missed pill. If it has happened lot of time and if it is time for the next pill then it is better to skip the missed pill and continue with the next dosage as prescribed by the doctor. Also if you miss a pill then immediately consult a doctor and get information on what to do for next.
78. When is surgery needed for heart burn?
If the person is experiencing heart burn even after taking all the treatments which are prescribed by the health experts and if there are some serious complications that are caused because of heart burn then surgery is very much recommended. The surgery will be very simple to be done and is known as fundoplication. In this surgery the stomach will be tied in such a way that it will prevent the acid in flowing back to the esophagus. This surgery was successful for more than 85 % of the people.
79. Who is afflicted with GERD?
Gastro esophageal reflux disease affects the people who are very social economical class and are of ethnic group. It will afflict to both male and female of all age that is even children’s and infants are more prone to this gastro esophageal reflux disease. This GERD increases more after the age of 40 and about 50 % of the people who are afflicted to this gastro esophageal reflux disease are of the age between 45 and 64 and it includes both male and female.
80. Who should not take prevacid 24 HR?
The pill should be taken according to the instructions that are mentioned in the labeling or according to the instructions that are suggested by the health expert. This prevacid 24 HR pill should not be taken by the people who are allergic to lansoprazole and who have trouble in swallowing foods. Also people who vomit with blood and also who get blood stools should avoid taking this pill as they are some of the signs of a serious condition. So, better speak to your health expert in order to know whether you can take the pill or not.
81. Why can certain foods and drinks cause heart burn?
Heart burn is the problem which is caused because of the foods which are very difficult to be digested. The foods which are difficult to digest are the only reason which causes the formation of acids in the stomach. So, foods and beverages like coffee, chocolate, and alcohol should be eliminated completely because they are the foods which make the valve to open and makes the foods to flow back to the esophagus from the stomach. The valve will be present in between the esophagus and the stomach.
82. Why can stress cause heart burn?
Generally the body goes to the mode of fight or flight when you are under the stress or in tension. At this time of mode the adrenalin will be released and the blood will be diverting away from the stomach. The result of this is the wall of the stomach becomes to contract and leads to the problem of digestion. If digestion is not done properly then the contents in the stomach will start producing acids and will keep on building up. If the acid in the stomach starts to travel to the esophagus then the heart burn is caused. In this way heart burn is caused because of stress.
83. Why did I get it?
Heart burn is a problem which is usually caused because of over eating and also because of eating the wrong items. It is also a sign which shows the imbalance in your system and if this imbalance is present then you are about to get more disease that are about to settle in the weaker areas of your body. So, better know the symptoms of heart burn and once you come up with the symptoms consult a doctor in order to know about the imbalance of your body as well as to get well from heart burn.
84. Why do I always get heart burn at night?
Heart burn is the condition which usually occurs after 30 to 60 minutes after having meals. This can occur both at day and night but the pain which is experienced during night will be more when compared to the day time this is because the person will lie down after eating the meals. Also at night time saliva will not be produced and so the LES will relax making the food to flow back so there are more chances for the heart burn to occur at night when compared to the day time.
85. Why do stomach juices irritate the esophagus?
The juices produced by the stomach in order to help the food to break down have a powerful acid which is known as hydrochloric acid. Whenever the stomach is protected by this potent acid, the esophagus will not share the same the qualities as like the stomach. In such cases if the content in the stomach comes in contact with the esophagus then the lining of the esophagus will be irritated. This in turn results in the problem of heart burn. In this way the stomach juices irritate the esophagus and result in heart burn.
86. Why does gastro esophageal reflux disease happen?
There will be a ring muscle present between the stomach and the esophagus which helps in stopping the gastro esophageal reflux disease to occur. But when you drink or eat any foods then the ring muscle will relax. Then the muscle tights up when you are finished with your work. When the ring muscle relaxes at the wrong time then gastro esophageal reflux disease is likely to occur so that the foods in the stomach will pass on to the esophagus. In this way gastro esophageal reflux disease happens.
87. Why does the acid back up into the esophagus?
There is a ring muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter present in between the stomach and the esophagus. Generally this lower esophageal sphincter is responsible to stop the food from entering to the esophagus because when the food enters the esophagus then it will lead to heart burn. Whenever the lower esophageal sphincter dint work properly then the foods will back up to the esophagus causing heart burn. In this way acid will back up to the esophagus when the lower esophageal sphincter does not close properly.
88. Why doesn’t the lower esophageal sphincter close all the way?
There are many reasons for the lower esophageal sphincter not to close properly and those reasons are
- Consumption of certain foods like onions, garlic, tomato and tomato based products and lot more leads LES not to close properly. So foods should be consumed in which it does not give any problem to the esophagus or LES.
- The next reason is because of the position of the body. The acid will easily back up to the LES when the person in lying down or bending over immediately after eating
- Another thing is that if any pressure on the stomach is exerted then the acid formation will back up because the LES won’t close properly because of the pressure exerted.
89. Why is heart burn common during pregnancy?
Heart burn is very much common during the time of pregnancy because women’s who are pregnant will produce a hormone known as progesterone. This hormone which is the progesterone will slow down the process of digestion which in turn makes the valve between the stomach and the esophagus to open. So, the acids which are present in the stomach will leak to the esophagus leading to the problem of heart burn. This problem gets increases as the baby grows because of the pressure which is exerted on the stomach.
90. Why nexium is called the healing purple pill?
Acid refluxes which are untreated and left as such will cause damage in the lining of the esophagus and the damage can be identified only by the health expert or the doctor. This damage which is caused is known as erosive esophagitis. The health expert or the doctor might suggest taking nexium which is the only tablet which helps in healing the damage which has occurred to the esophagus and that is why it is known as healing purple pill. The healing process will be completed in 4 to 8 weeks and sometimes might prolong depending on the damage that has occurred.
91. Will exercise increase the incidence and severity of heart burn? How?
Many researchers believe that doing exercises will push the contents in the stomach to the esophagus due to the pressure which is exerted in the abdomen which in turn leads to the symptoms of heart burn. For example most of the weight lifting persons will have heart burn by tensing the stomach muscle and also cyclist will suffer from heart burn because of the hunching towards the handle bar. So it is better to do exercise before eating if you are interested in doing it. Avoid doing it after having your meals or anything else.
92. Will I get cancer?
There are chances for people to get cancer if they are suffering to both heart burn as well as barrette’s esophagus. But majority of the people will not get it as they will never come up with either barrette’s esophagus or cancer of the esophagus. It has been proved that 10 % of the people have heart burn with barrette’s esophagus and among them only 7 % of the people get cancer in their life time. But these cancers can be curable if it is detected at the early stage itself.
93. How can GERD cause cancer?
Persistent and frequent heart burn can lead to the damage of the esophagus which is a condition known as barrette’s esophagus. In this condition the normal lining of the esophagus will be replaced to the lining which resembles the stomach. In this way the esophageal cancer is caused because of frequent heart burn and also esophageal cancer is common to the person whose parents also has esophageal cancer in them. So it is necessary to carry over the right treatment if you come up with frequent and persistent heart burn.
94. Why Gaviscon liquid is suitable for heart burn associated with pregnancy when other products are restricted?
The ingredient which is found in Gaviscon will not mix in to the blood of the mother and so it will not enter to the placenta and affect the baby and because of this it is the most recommended one at the time of pregnancy for the preganant women’s who are suffering from heart burn for day as well for night. But it is very much recommended for the pregnant ladies to consult a doctor before the usage of the Gaviscon liquid.
95. Is gaviscon associated with any unwanted effects?
Gaviscon can be used by all the people but there are some side effects associated with this gaviscon and the effect will be more common to the people who are allergic to the ingredient present in it. Some of the side effects associated with gaviscon are abdominal bloating, and vomiting. But the side effects will be occurring only for short period of time that is it is only for short lived.
96. Many elderly people are taking medications for other conditions, is gaviscon suitable for them?
Gaviscon is a liquid which has alignate in it which is responsible in forming a barrier on the top of the stomach. This does not have any psychological effect on the stomach and also will not affect the pH of the stomach. This means that this gaviscon will not interfere with other medicines that are present in the stomach and so it can be taken. But it is well and good to consult a doctor or a health expert before using it.
97. Should gaviscon tablets foam in your mouth before you swallow?
Yes foam formation is very much needed and that will be triggered whenever chewing the tablet. After the foam formation water must be drunk in order to get a contact to the stomach for better results. Also only prescribed dosage should be taken and exceeding that is not recommended. After that, degrading the foam barrier process will be done by eating and drinking.
98. What are the differences between various acid relief product categories?
- Antacids helps in neutralizing the acid formation in the stomach and gives only a short term relief from the heart burn
- H2 blockers help in partially blocking the acid formation in the stomach and gives relief for the next 12 hours
- Proton pump inhibitors are the pills which shut downs the acid formation in the stomach and gives relief for the next 24 hours to 1 or 4 days. It does not give immediate relief but gives a complete relief after some time.
99. Can I take any other medicine with gaviscon?
For this you can better ask the health expert in order to know whether you can take any other medicines or not. This is because health experts are the one who know everything about the property of the gaviscon and also about the medicines which you are already taking. By comparing both they will suggest you to take it or not based on your health condition and the body condition. So, consultation to the doctor should be definitely made.
100. How does pantoloc control work?
Pantoloc control is a type of proton pump inhibitors and is the pills which help in reducing the acid production that are done in the stomach. They work by blocking the enzyme in the stomach which is responsible in forming the acid and leads to heart burn. This tablet gives relief from the heart burn within 24 hours and only one tablet should be taken for one day. For a compete relief from heart burn then this tablet should be taken for 7 days at the same time every day.